Antonios I. PROTOPAPAS (PROTOPAPAS Architects)
1. Antonios I. PROTOPAPAS (PROTOPAPAS Architects), Self-employed, Limassol, Cyprus. - Jun 1993 to Present
Architecture, urban design, restoration, interior design and furniture design.
2. Town and Rural Planner of the Sovereign British Area of Cyprus (SBA) - Since 2015
Private Residences
New Residences
1. Residence of Nicos Ierodiaconou family (200sq.m), Nicosia.*** 1993
2. Country house of Graham Brown family (85sq.m), Doros village, Cyprus.** 1994
3. Upper floor house of Andreas Panagiotou family (120sq.m), Limassol.** 1994
4. Residence of Zoe Heliades family (160sq.m), Limassol.*** 1994
5. Residence of Andreas Chatzepetrou (155sq.m), Limassol.** 1995
6. Country house of Chrestos Chatzeloizou family (247sq.m), Trimikline village, Cyprus.*** 1995
7. Residence of Andreas Katzes family (350sq.m), Limassol.** 1995
8. Residence of Lakes Procopiou (280sq.m), Monagrouli village, Cyprus.*** 1995
9. Upper floor house of Savvas Nittes family (140sq.m), Limassol.*** 1996
10. Holiday resort of Helene Panagiotou family (65sq.m), Governor's Beach, Cyprus.** 1996
11. Residence of Glyceria Chatzeandreou family (348sq.m) , Paralimni, Cyprus.*** 1997
12. Country house of Stavros Aggelides ( 71 sq.m), Kato Platres, Cyprus. ** 1997
13. Residence of Nike Gregoriou (450 sq.m), Limassol ** 1998
14. Residence of Epameinonta Epameinontos (260 sq.m.), Limassol *** 1999
15. Residence of Alexia Kyriakidou (300sq.m), Limassol.** 1999
16. Residence of Nikos Christodoulou (373 sq.m), Limassol ** 1999
17. Residence of Chares Pitsillou (375 sq.m) , Pachna, Cyprus ** 1999
18. Complex of 4 country houses for Andreas Macedonas (106 sq.m each), Souni, Cyprus *** 2000
19. Residence of Demetres Apostolides (300 sq.m), limassol *** 2002
20. Residence of Petros Kokkinos family (450 sq.m), Limassol *** 2002
21. Residence of Alexia Basileiou (409 sq.m), Nicosia *** 2003
22. Complex of 8 shops, 3 appartmentes and 2 houses of Kostas Andreou (735 sq.m), Limassol** 2003
23. Country house of Onouphrios Christophides (200 sq.m), kellaki, Cyprus ** 2003
24. Residence of Stavros Stavrou (334 sq.m), Lacatameia , Cyprus*** 2004
25. Residence of Maria Telemachou (408 sq.m), Limasssol *** 2004
26. Residence of Giannes Koues (576 sq.m), Limassol *** 2005
27. Complex of 3 country houses of Elpinike Ioannidou
(375 sq.m.,125 sq.m each) Platres, Cyprus***
28. Residence of Nikos Christodoulou (278 sq.m), Ag. Athanasios, Limassol*** 2006
29. Residence of Sabbas Sabbides (467 sq.m), Orounta , Cyprus ** 2006
30. Complex of 5 country houses of Demetres Panagiotou
(750 sq.m., 150 sq.m each), Kardama *** 2006
31. Upper floor house of Konstantinos Thrasyboulou (215 sq.m), Limassol *** 2007
32. Residence of Panikos Soteriou (419 sq.m), Vouni, Cyprus** 2009
33. Country house of Elene Tsaggaris (69 sq.m), Pelendri*** 2009
34. Country house of Elene Panagiotou (87 sq.m), Governor's beach** 2009
35. Residence of Leto Chatzeloizou ( 314 sq.m), limassol *** 2010
36. Country house of Basileia Protopapa (210 sq.m), Kato Platres, Cyprus *** 2011
37. Upper floor house of Tryphon Charalambous (74 sq.m), Limassol.** 2011
38. Residence of Theodoros Kyprianou (498 sq.m), Agia Barbara *** 2012
39. Upper floor house of Anna Phoiniou (375 sq.m), Nicosia ** 2013
40. Residence of Giannes Mentzes (450 sq.m), Limassol *** 2013
41. Residence of Stephania Zographake (412 sq.m), Limassol *** 2014
42. Country house of Christalla Zenonos (190 sq.m), Pedoulas*** 2014
43. Country house of Marios Thrasivoulou (220 sq.m), Kato Mylos ** 2015
44. Tryfona Charalambous House (275 sq.m.), Limassol 2015
45. Complex of two houses for M.Ioannou Brothers Developers LTD
(125 sq.m., each ), Palodia **+ 2015
46. Complex of two houses for PA & GN Property Investement LTD (125 sq.m., each), Pyla ** 2017
47. Residence of Stelios Tsaggaris (201 sq.m), Nicosia ** 2018
48. Residence
of Maria Malouph (113 sq.m), Kato Polemidia
* 2018
49. Residence of Maria Protopapa in Pera Pedi (296 sq.m) 2019
50. Apartment building ,Facas Court No 52
(1135sq.m) , Limassol *** 2019
Apartment building, Facas Court ,5 apartment (414 sq.m), Kyperounta, Limassol ** 2020
Residence of Ero Nitte (235 sq.m )+
Garage (53 sq.m) ,Limassol ***
53. Agias Triados Apartments (680 sq.m.), Limassol 2020
Complex of two houses for Nektarios
Facas (303 sq.m), Lakatamia , Nicosia ** 2021
55. Residence of Dimitri & Charas Apostolidou (360
sq.m.), Trachoni Limassol 2023
Athena Iliadis Residence (182 sq.m.), Limassol 2023
Three Residences in Livadia (447 sq.m.), Larnaca 2023
Six residences in Ormideia Palourtis LTD (1183 sq.m.) 2023
sq.m. each), Larnaca
Maria Malouf Residence (195 sq.m.), Kato Polemidia, Limassol 2023
Preserved Building, Yolanda Siamis, (167 sq.m.), Evrichou 2024
12 Apartments of Efthimiou Svetlana, (999 sq.m.), Ypsonas, Limassol 2024
Tasoula Court, (655 sq.m.), (109 sq.m.each), Limassol 2024
Restoration - Renovation
1. Restoration of Anna Doritou-Wild's residence (133sq.m), Doros village, Cyprus.** 1993
2. Renovation of Dora Markidou's residence (150sq.m), Limassol.*** 1994
3. Renovation of Anastasia Protopapa's residence (200sq.m), Limassol.*** 1995
4. Renovation of Machairas' Monastery kitchen (40sq.m), Cyprus.*** 1996
5. Restoration of Merope Karoulla's residence (190sq.m), Nicosia.*** 1996
6. Restoration of Nicos Sozos' residence (140sq.m), Asgata village, Cyprus.** 1997
7. Rest. of Androulla Constantinu's country house
(199sq.m), Agios Tychonas village, Cyprus*** 1997
8. Restoration of Tasos Theodotou's country house (108sq.m),
Kato Platres village, Cyprus.** 1997
9. Restoration of Kyriacos Philippides' building in St. Andrew Str. (560sq.m), Limassol.** 1997
10. Renovation of Nabaham Maalouf's residence (350sq.m), Kato Platres village, Cyprus.** 1998
11. Renovation of Marina Loukaidou's residence (442 sq.m), Limassol.*** 2001
12. Restoration of Kyriake Moustaka's country house (177 sq.m) , Bouni, Cyprus *** 2003
13. Renovation of an old chicken house to weekend house (35 sq.m) of Niki Kokkinou *** 2000
14. Restoration of Antonios Protopapas' residence (240 sq.m), limassol*** 2002
15. Restoration of Moeses Papamoeseos' residence (176 sq.m),Limassol ** 2006
16. Restoration of Androulla Stylianou's residence (290 sq.m), Kato Polemidia Limassol *** 2007
17. Restoration of Marianna Charilaou's ground floor residence (150 sq.m), Limassol *** 2007
18. Restoration of Pavlos Protopapas' residence (150 sq.m), Limassol *** 2008
19. Restoration of Celia Protopapas' residence (150 sq.m), Limassol *** 2011
20. Restoration of Anna Papadopoulou's residence (170 sq.m), Limassol *** 2011
21. Restoration of Ntousianka Loukaidou's residence (189 sq.m), Limassol *** 2012
22. Restoration of Sabbas Koundouros' residence (400 sq.m), Limassol *** 2014
23. Restoration of Demetres Cheimonas' residence (180 sq.m), Basa Koilaniou, Limassol ** 2016
24. Restoration of
Maria Protopapa residence (296sq.m),
Pera Pedi,Limassol **+ 2019
25. Renovation of Nonis Petropoulou residence(280sq.m), Limassol * 2019
26. Renovation of Cheimonas Demetres
residence (129 sq.m), Limassol 2021
27. Michalis and Evi Kallitsionis (52
sq.m.), Kato Polemidia, Limassol 2023
Division of plot to building plots or a complex to seperate houses
1. Division of plot 16 to Marios Christou Nikolaou, Androniki
Panagiotis Grigoriou and Andreas Antoniou Christofis 2006
2. Division building of Giannes Mentzes, Limassol *** 2013
3. Division building of Ioannou Anna - Korniliou Niki, Limassol *** 2015
4. Division of plot 137 between Ioanna Kronidou, Anna Kronidou and
Nelli Kronidou, Zakaki, Limassol 2015
5. Division
plot and building of Demetres Apostolides + Epameinontas 2021
6. Division plot and building of Cheimonas
Demetres at Ag.Georgios Sylikou 2021
7. Division of lot 217 into 8 parts, Constantinou Kyriakou & others, Mathiatis 2023
Bishopric Residences
1. Renovation of the Bishopric Residence of Metropolitan of Limassol (1125 sq m) *** 1999
2. Metropolis
Offices, (5132.24 sq.m., offices + bookstore etc.), 2013
Georgios Limassol
Shops - Offices
New buildings
1. 'Panicos Phaedros Elia's Kitchen Equipment Center' (800 sq.m), Limassol.*** 2008
2. Bishopric offices of Metropolis Lemesou ( 7200 sq.m), Limassol ** 2013
3. New Offices for renting of Metropolis Lemesou,
( eight floor building of 8000 sq.m), Limassol** 2013
4. Offices and shops of Nike Gregoriou, Limassol, ( 990 sq.m)** 2013
5. Herb Shop at Kato Platres, Limassol ( 60 sq.m)*** 2014
6. Shops of Agios Arsenios Church in Kyperounta, Limassol ( 300 sq.m) **+ 2014
7. Offices of Dr Petros and Nike Kokkinos (750 sq.m) ** 2014
Restoration - Renovation
1. Renovation of Christina Drakos' offices ( 530 sq.m), Limassol *** 2002
2. Renovation of Rodosthenes Myrianthefs' offices ( 231 sq.m), Limassol ** 2002
3. Renovation and addition wing of 'Demetres Petrou supermarket,
Ypsonas, Limassol ( 300 sq.m) *** 2005
4. Restoration and change of use of a Listed house to Offices, "Celox Cyprus Estate Limited" offices, (334 sq.m), Limassol *** 2017
New buildings
1. New Theological, Philosophical and Historical Library of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (660 sq.m), Limassol *** 2010
Restoration - Renovation
1. Restoration and change of use of a Listed house to the Theological, Philosophical and Historical Library of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (203 sq.m), Limassol *** 2003
Café - Restaurants
1. Restoration of an old building to a café, (137 sq.m), Platres.** 2002
owner: Elpiniki Ioannidou.
2. Restoration of an old shop to a café (115 sq.m), Limassol. *** 2013
owner: Asygritos Philippides
3. Restoration of an old house to a restaurant (175 sq.m), Limassol. ** 2013
owner: Demetres Cheimonas.
4. Restoration of restaurant of church Panagias Eleousas ( 188 sq.m),
Trimiklini ** 2015
5. Restoration of restaurant of Marinos Prodromou (806 sq.m), Episkopi ** 2017
New Hotels
1. 'Country Rose Hotel' (125 rooms, 6940 sq.m), Pano Platres village, Cyprus.** 1994
Restoration - Renovation
1. Restoration of listed buildings to a Country Hostel (454 sq.m),
Owner : ETKO, Bouni, Cyprus *** 2014
1. Guesthouses of St. Trinity, part of Holy Monastery ( 1115 sq.m) Lythrodontas, Cyprus.*** 2015
Multifunction Buildings
New Buildings
1. Parish Centre of Agios Nikolaos ( 848 sq.m), Limassol ** 2005
2. Multifunction building at Geri, Nicosia (1090 sq.m.) ** 2011
3. Rest rooms of Holy Church of Agia Trias, (42 sq.m) Limassol** 2017
4. Multifunction building for the Agios Loukas Clinic, (290 sq.m) ** 2018
Restoration - Renovation
1. Renovation of an old shop to a Sunday School (120 sq.m) of Kyperounta *** 2002
2. Restoration of an existing building to a multifunction building
(seminars, theatre, radio station, meeting room, hostel)
of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (1050 sq.m) , Limassol. *** 2002
3. Restoration and change of use of a Listed house to a Youth Centre
of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (754 sq.m) , Limassol. *** 2003
4. Restoration and change of use of an existing house to a Conference Center
of Holy Monastery of St Trinity at Lythrodontas (1360 sq.m) , Limassol. **+ 2014
5. Restoration and change of use of a Listed factory to multifunction Hall of
Agia Marina Chapel, (375 sq.m) Limassol** 2017
1. Renovation of a shop to a gymnasium (795 sq.m), "Anaplasis Gym", Limassol.*** 1998
New churches
1. Agios Gregorios Palamas Chapel (342sq.m) and Host Hall (330sq.m),
Machairas Monastery, Cyprus..*** 1995
2. Agia Anastasia Chapel (180 sq.m) and Host Hall ( 371 sq.m)
Monastery of St. Trinity, Lythrodontas, Cyprus. *** 1998
3. Agia Paraskeve Chapel (65 sq.m), Kato Amiantos, Cyprus. *** 1999
4. Agia Skepe of Theotokos, Chapel of the Metropolitan Residence of Limassol (78 sq.m)*** 2000
5. Agioi Anargyroi Chapel (250 sq.m) and Host Hall (150 sq.m),
General Hospital of Nicosia. *** 2000
6. Panagia Chapel (78 sq.m), Ag, Ioannis Pitsilias, Cyprus. *** 2000
7. Zoodochou Peges Chapel (44 sq.m), Kyperounta, Cyprus. ** 2000
8. Holy Church of Zoodochou Peges (229 sqm), Saittas, Cyprus.*** 2000
9. Thirteen Martyrs of Kanatara Chapel ( 97 sq.m), Nicosia *** 2001
10. Agios Spyridon Chapel (82 sq. m), Episkope, Cyprus. *** 2004
11. New Entrance of Agios Ioannis Lampadistes, (27 sq.m), Pelendri, Cyprus *** 2006
12. Crossed Christ Chapel, (90 sq.m), Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia,
Prodromos, Cyprus*** 2008
13. Holy Church of Stratiotikoi Agioi (224 sq.m) and Host Hall ( 188 sq.m),Vouni, Cyprus ** 2008
14. Little Chapel of Panagia Amiantou ( 12 sq. m), Amiantos, Cyprus. *** 2008
15. Holy Church of Agios Arsenios of Kappadocia ( 2331 sq.m), Kyperounta, Cyprus. *** 2010
16. Holy Church of Panagia Glykiotissa (374 sq.m)
and Host Hall (283 sq.m), Pano Polemidia, Cyprus *** 2014
17. Holy Church of Panagia Geriou (1600 sq.m)
and Sunday School with a chapel of Agios Kasianos ( 1040 sq.m), Geri, Cyprus ** 2014 2008
18. Agios Silouanos Chapel (352 sq.m), Souni, Cyprus.. **+ 2014
19. Agios Mamas Chapel (109 sq.m) and Host Hall (80 sq.m), Pelentri, Cyprus**+ 2014
20. Holy Church of Kalos Poimen Christos (3200 sq.m)
and Host Hall (1510 sq.m), Episkope, Cyprus**+ 2014
21. Chapel of St. Mary of St. Trinity Monastery ( 98 sq.m) Lythrodontas, Cyprus.*** 2016
Restoration - Renovation
1. Renovation of Holy church of Panagia Phaneromene, (361 sq.m), Platres. *** 2006
2. Renovation of Holy church of Panagia Evaggelistria (524 sq.m), Kato Polemidia *** 2008
3. Renovation of Holy church of Archaggelos Michael Monovolikos ( 234 sq. m) ** 2009
4. Renovation of the Metropolitan Church of Limassol,
Panagia Pantanassa Katholike (1270 sq.m) *** 2011
5. Renovation of Holy church of Apostolos Andreas, Amiantos (403 sq. m )*** 2011
6. Renovation of Holy church of Panagia Eleousa, Trimeklene (257 sq.m) *** 2011
7. Renovation of Holy church of Agios Antonios, Lemesos ( 250 sq.m)** 2016
8. Agia
Marina Chapel at multiple
function Halls, Lemesos (110 sq.m) **+ 2017
9. Extension of the Holy Church of Agios Gregorios Palamas Monastery,
Machairas (141 sq.m)** 2018
10. Renovation of the Holy Church of Agia Matrona, (269 sq.m) Limassol**+ 2018
New buildings
1. Entrance (40 sq.m) and Paling (2000 m) of Holy Monastery of
Agios Georgios Alamanos, Cyprus *** 2000
2. Entrance and New Wing of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Machaira
(336 sq.m,) Cyprus. *** ` 2001
3. New Monastery at Monagri village, Cyprus (830sq.m.)* 2005
4. Entrance (8 sq.m) and Paling ( 440m) of the Holy Monastery of
St Trinity , Lythrodontas, Cyprus*** 2006
5. New south Wing (cells and chapel) of the Holy Monastery of
Panagia Trikoukkia ( 448 sq.m), Prodromos, Cyprus*** 2008
6. New north Wing of marmalade workshops of the Holy Monastery
of Panagia Trikoukkia (220 sq.m), Prodromos, Cyprus *** 2010
7. New north second Wing of marmalade workshops of the Holy Monastery
of Panagia Trikoukkia.(151sq.m) *** 2008
8. New gate of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia, Prodromos (44 sq. m) ** 2016
9. New dining room of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia, Prodromos (123sq.m) ** 2016
10. New west Wing (cells and bookshop) of the Holy Monastery of St Trinity,
Lythrodontas, Cyprus (390 sq.m) ** * 2017
11. New extension wing of Agia Marina Chapel, Kantou (98 sq.m) *** 2017
12. New Library (abbey), of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia, Prodromos * 2017
13. Skete of Holy Monastery of Panagia Amasgous, Monagri (140 sq.m)** 2018
14. Skete of Agios Ioseph ( 804 sq.m
), Souni ,Limassol ** 2021
Restoration - Renovation
1. Renovation and change of use of the existing Wing of the Holy Monastery
of Panagia Trikoukkia to a Bookshop (103 sq.m), Prodromos, Cyprus *** 2013
2. Renovation of the existing Wing of the Host Hall and cells of the Holy Monastery
of Panagia Trikoukkia (340 sq.m), Prodromos, Cyprus *** 2014
3. Repairs of nursery buildings and their
conversion into a Church
Conference Center of the Holy Sanctuary of Agia
Triados Lythrodontas (1020 sq.m) ** 2015
New buildings
1. Tsaggaris Bros factory (894 sq.m), Pelendri *** 2008
New buildings
1. "Archiepiscopos Loukas" clinic for children with serious neurological problems
( 4254 sq. m), Filani, Cyprus **. 2014
2. Dr. Petros - Nike Kokkinos dentistry clinic (988 sq.m), Agios Nikolaos Limassol **+ 2017
Restoration - Renovation
1. Renovation of a restaurant and change it
to Artificial Insemination Centre AKESO (290 sq.m), Limassol *** 2014
1. Kato Platres lower square (380 sq.m), Kato Platres village, Cyprus.*** 1994
2. Entrance courtyard of Machairas Monastery (1690 sq.m), Cyprus.** 1995
3. Agios Nikolaos square (3520 sq.m ), Limassol. *** 2006
4. St. Trinity square (2500 sq.m) and Paling (226m)
of the St Trinity Church , Limassol, Cyprus*** 2009
5. Plateia of Agia Paraskeve church (580 sq.m), Episkope. *** 2009
6. Plateia of Agios Antonios (268 sq.m), Limassol *** 2009
7. Squares of Agios Konstantinos (586 sq.m.), Limassol 2009
8. Archaggelos Michael square (100 sq.m) and paling (367m)
of the Archaggelos Michael Church, Limassol, Cyprus** 2010
9. Panagia Eleousa square (1590 sq.m) and paling (150m)
of the Panagia Eleousa Church , Trimeclene, Cyprus** 2011
10. Agios Arsenios square (4050 sq. m ), Kyperounta, Cyprus *** 2013
11. Kato Platres upper square (155 sq.m), Kato Platres village, Cyprus.*** 2014
12. Two squares (3600 sq. m and 750sq.m) and courtyard of holy church of
Panagia Geriou (1660 sq.m) ** 2014
13. Atriium of the Holy church of Agios Arsenios (345 sq.m) Kyperounta, Cyprus *** 2014
14. Square (1140 sq.m ) and courtyand (582 sq.m) of the Holy church
of Panagia Glykiotissa **+ 2014
1. Kastrovounos park (17600sq.m), Kato Platres village, Cyprus.*** 1995
2. Agios Konstantinos park ( 675 sq.m ), Ag. Konstantinos of Limassol. ** 2005
New bridges
1. Pedestrian bridge (19 m) at St. Trinity Monastery, Lythrodontas, Cyprus ** 2014
1. Football (soccer) field (4000 seats), Kato Platres village, Cyprus.** 1996
Open theatre
1. Open theatre of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (70sq.m) *** 2002
1. Playground of Holy Bishopric of Limassol (400 sq.m) *** 2003
Design of seesaw, swings and slides
2. Playground of Limassol Public Garden ** 2021
3. Pond of Limassol Public Garden ** 2021
Master Plans
1. Master Plan of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Machaira, Cyprus. *** 1996
2. Master Plan of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia, Prodromos, Cyprus. *** 2002
1. Master Plan of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Machaira, Cyprus. *** 1996
2. Master Plan of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Trikoukkia, Prodromos, Cyprus. *** 2002
3. Master Plan of New Vertical Aviation Facility Design Proposal, Nation Guard - KSA, Saudi Arabia. * 2007
Interior Design
1. Dentistry of Dr. Petros and Dr Nike Kokkinos (220sq.m), Limassol.*** 1994
2. Interior design of appartment of Pero Vujovic family (130sq.m), Limassol.*** 1994
3. Interior design of dinning room of Lefke Pitsillou Residence (15sq.m), Limassol. *** 1995
4. Interior design of Jewellery of Nikos Christodoulou (88sq.m), Limassol.*** 1995
5. Dentistry of Dr Nicos Onesiphorou (140sq.m), Limassol.*** 1995
6. Interior design of Pediatric clinic of
Dr Despoina Oikonomidou (45 sq.m ), Paralimni, Cyprus.*** 1997
7. Furnitures of Host Hall (Archontariki) and dinning room
of Machairas Monastery (330 sq.m), Cyprus.*** 1998
8. Furnitures of apartment of Sileia Protopapa (80 sq.m), Limassol *** 1999
9. Furnitures of Residence of the Metropolitan of the Holy Bishopric of
Limassol (1125sq.m). *** 1999
10. Artificial Insemination Centre AKESO (407 sq.m), Limassol ** 1999
11. Interior design of "Panikos Elias shop" (325 sq.m), Limassol .*** 2000
12. Design of furnitures of the Host Hall (50 sq.m) of the monastery of Agios Georgios
Alamanos, Cyprus.*** 2000
13. Artificial Insemination Centre AKESO (120 sq.m), Limassol*** 2002
14. Interior design of a flat to Radio Station of Bishopric of Limassol (178 sq.m)*** 2002
15. Furniture of the Host Hall (Allelodidaskaleion) of Agios Lazaros (188 sq.m), Larnaca *** 2002
16. Renovation of Dr. Petros and Dr Nike Kokkinos dentistry (220sq.m), Limassol.*** 2004
17. Shop furniture of Nikos Sozos (63
sq.m.), Nicosia.** 2007
18. Furniture for the multi-purpose
room of Petros and Nikis Kokkinos (60 sq.m.), Limassol*** 2011
19. Interior design of the new dentistry clinic of Dr. Petros - Nike Kokkinos, (988 sq.m),
Limassol.*** 2016
20. Interior design of the Offices of "Celox Cyprus Estate Limited" offices, (334 sq.m), Limassol *** 2017
Furniture DesignBookcases, desks, shelves, offices, beds, buffets, tables, chairs, sofas, armchairs, stools, etc. ***
Projects Keywords:
* Rough plans have been completed. The dates represent the completion of the rough plans.
** Final Plans have been completed but no construction work has been started until now. The dates represent the completion of the final plans.
**+ Final Plans have been completed and construction work has been in progress.
***Construction work has already been finished. The dates represent the completion of construction work.
CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Ithaca, New York, USA. - Aug.1989 - Aug.1991
Master of Architecture in Urban Design.
Grade: 4.0/4.3
NTUA (Ethniko Metsovio Polytechneio), Athens, Greece. - Sep.1984 - Jul.1989
Diploma in Architectural Engineer.
(Architecture, restoration, planning, interior).
Grade: 9.21/10.00
Military Service, Cyprus. - Jul.1982 - Sep.1984
Accomplished 26 months of required military service.
rank: sub-lieutenant.
Laniteion Lyceum/Gymnasium High School, Limassol, Cyprus. - Sep.1976 - Jun.1982
Grade: 20/20
Scholar Honors
Laniteion Lyceum: First Prize in special competition in History - Jun. 1982
Laniteion Lyceum: First Prize in special competition in Physics and Chemistry - Jun. 1982
Academic Honors
Hellenic Republic: State Scholarship Foundation, Greece. - 1984-85, 1985-86, 1986-87, 1987-88
Monetary prize scholarship for efficiency and conduct for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th academic years.
Andreas Ploumistos prize, Athens, Greece. - 1989
Prize for the student of Architecture of NTUA who obtained the best Diploma-grade in 1989.
Dimitrios Samaras prize, Athens, Greece. - 1989
Prize for the student of Architecture of NTUA who obtained the best Diploma-grade in 1989.
Stamos Stournas prize, Athens, Greece. - 1986-87 1987-88
Prize for the student of Architecture of NTUA who achieved top marks in all the exams of 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th semesters.
Evgenides Foundation, Athens, Greece. - 1989 - 90
Full scholarship for the first academic year of a Master Degree.
Amideast, Washington, USA. - 1990 - 91
Full scholarship for the second academic year of a Master Degree.
The AG. Leventis Foundation, Paris, France. - 1989-90, 1990-91
Scholarship for graduate studies.
Neo Psychico Municipality, Athens, Greece. -1989
Prize awarded to the best proposed urban plan of Neo Psychico.
Academic Projects in Urban Planning and Urban Design
1. Urban Planning of Peiraike, Piraeus, Greece - 1987
The plan was presented to the Faculty of the NTUA Athens,
Greece. (grade 10/10).
2. Urban Planning of Neo Psychico Municipality, Athens, Greece - 1988
Prize awarded to the best-proposed town plan of Neo Psychico, Athens, Greece
given by municipality of Neo Psychico. The plan was presented to the Faculty
of the NTUA and the Municipality of Neo Psychico, Athens, Greece. (grade 10/10).
3·Urban Design Plan of Pantopoleion area in downtown Limassol, Cyprus. - June 1989
Thesis presented to the Faculty of the NTUA Athens, Greece. (grade 10/10).
4.Central Boston Redevelopment, Boston City, Fall - 1989
Urban Design Plan of Downtown Area of Boston City
Urban Design Studio, Arch 704, Cornell University, USA. (Grade: 'A')
5.Firenze Interrotta, College City, Florence, Spring - 1989
Urban Design Plan for new neighborhoods in Florence of 18th century.
Urban Design Studio, Arch 704, Cornell University,USA. (Grade: 'A')
6. Battery Park City, New York, Fall - 1990
Urban Design Plan of the redevelopment of Battery Park neighborhood, Manhattan, New York.
Urban Design Studio, Arch 704, Cornell University,USA (Grade: 'A')
7. Redevelopment of Cerameicus, Athens, Greece - 1990-1991
Urban Planning and Urban Design Plan of Cerameicus neighborhood, Athens, Greece.
Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University, USA. (Grade: 'A')
Work Experience
"YPSILON" Ltd, Athens, Greece. - Jun 1990 - Aug 1990
Heleni Demetriadou and Associates Architects.
"MELETITIKI" Ltd, Athens, Greece. - Oct 1991 - Sep 1992
Alexandros N. Tombazis and Associates Architects.
IOANNIS LIAPIS Architect, Athens, Greece. - Oct 1992 - Dec 1992
Architectural office of Professor and President of Department of Architecture
of NTUA (Ethniko Metsovio Polytechneio).
AKIS CHARALAMBOUS Partnership, Limassol, Cyprus. - Jan 1993 - May 1993
Akis Charalambous Architect and Partners. - Sep 1993 - Nov 1993
Career Experience Summary
"YPSILON" Ltd, Athens, Greece. - Jun 1990 - Aug 1990
Heleni Demetriadou and Associates Architects.
Design team member for:
1. First class hotel (180 rooms), Agios Nicolaos, Crete, Greece. - 1990
Designing and drafting of the construction plans.
"MELETITIKI" Ltd, Athens, Greece. - Oct 1991 - Sep 1992
Alexandros N. Tombazis and Associates Architects.
Associate architect for:
1. AMTE S.A., Greece. - 1991
Industrial buildings for TITAN (cement) Company:
Silos in Patra and Thessalonica, storehouse, coloring of klinger.
2. Mechanike S.A., Maroussi, Greece. - 1992
Competiton by invitation for an office building (15000sq.m) in Maroussi.
3.Ivica Mladjenovic, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. - 1992
Competition for a 50sq.m house (project "newlyweds houses");
12 architects of various countries were invited.
4. Al Futtaim, Dubai. 1992 Two villas (1000sq.m each) in Dubai for Mr. Al Futaim.
5. A.N. Tombazis & Associates, Athens, Greece. - 1991
Planning of an exhibition hall at the French Institute of Athens for the presentation of the work of A.N. Tombazis & Associates.
Study team member for:
6. Hippodrome Center of Anavyssos, Greece. - 1991
Competition for the Anavyssos Marina (1000sq.m).
7.Deposit and Loans Fund, Athens, Greece. - 1991-92
Turn-key competition for the Deposit and Loan Fund Bank in Athens.
Office building and parking (13000sq.m).
8. Chronic Disease Center, Amphilochia, Greece. - 1992
Chronic Disease Center of Aetoloacarnania (100beds, 5800sq.m).
"IOANNIS LIAPIS Architect", Athens, Greece. - Oct 1992 - Dec 1992
Architectural office of Professor and President
of Department of Architecture of NTUA (Metsovio), Athens, Greece.
Associate architect for:
1. National Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece. - 1992
Study of the Main Offices (7843sq.m) of the National Bank of Greece in Athens.
"AKIS CHARALAMBOUS Partnership", Limassol, Cyprus. - Jan 1993 - May 1993
Akis Charalambous Architect and Partners. - Sep 1993 - Nov 1993
Associate architect for:
1. Stadium of Nicosia (ΓΣΠ),Cyprus. (honor prize) - May 1993
Arcitectural Design competition for designing the new stadium of Nicosia (40000seats).
2. Urban Design competition for Reformation of the Civic Center of Nicosia, Cyprus (3rd prize). - Nov. 1993
Urban design plan of the civic centre of Nicosia town enclosed the new parliament and government offices
3. Urban Design competition for reformation of the main square and the main axis
of Thessalonike, Greece - Sep. 1997
Urban design plan of the main square and the main axis of Thessalonike, Greece.
Professional Honors
Agios Athanasios Municipality, Cyprus. - Oct 1991
2nd prize in a collaboration withSrates Socrates.
Architectural competition for designing the Town Hall of Agios Athanasios town.
Published Articles
"Architects + Engineers" -Jul 1997
Magazine issued by the "Cyprus Civil Engineers & Architects Association".
Title: "Views on postwar CIAM ideas for the Center of the City."
"Phileleftheros", Nicosia, Cyprus. - 10 Aug. 1997
Daily newspaper.
Title: "Where the International Biennale Exhibition must be in Cyprus".
"Architects + Engineers", Nicosia, Cyprus. - Sep 1997
Magazine issued by the "Cyprus Civil Engineers & Architects Association".
Title: "Urban Space"